Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Meters

These meters plug into an outlet and measure the interference or noise in the circuit caused by devices in the room or electricity coming into the house. Also known as Dirty Electricity (DE), DE can increase the EMF in any given room significantly. Some examples of DE contributors include dimmer switches, televisions, fluorescent light bulbs (including CFLs, or energy efficient bulbs) and computers.

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Line EMI Meter

The Line EMI Meter by AlphaLabs measures electromagnetic interference or 'dirty electricity' in a single-phase AC power line. It is one of the leading EMI Meters used by many building biologists and plugs into a wall outlet (mains socket) and requires no battery. A speaker plays the sound of the EMI, amplitude demodulated, in order to identify the EMI source.

  • Price: £174.99

  • Range: 10 KHz – 10 MHz (the frequency limits at which sensitivity is ½ of the maximum sensitivity).

  • Features: Yellow display interference bar and sound amplitude.

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GreenWave EMI Meter

Greenwave’s Broadband EMI Dirty Electricity Meter accurately measures the level of dirty electricity on the wiring in buildings. The meter can also be used to see the difference filters make in reducing this undesirable electrical noise. It is also an excellent tool for guiding the installation of dirty electricity filters.

  • Price: $130.00

  • Range: frequencies from 3 kilohertz up to 10,000 kilohertz (i.e., 10 megahertz), a range that extends approximately 5 times lower and 20.

    Compatible with 50/60-Hz, 100-240V electrical circuits.

  • Features: Lets you listen to dirty electricity with acoustic signal.